Wild Lore Therapies &

Wild Lore Essences

Crystal Therapy, Energy Therapies, Reiki, Flower Essence Therapy, Indian Head Massage, DoTerra Essential Oils, Wild Lore Essences Energy Sprays & Reiki charged Crystals with Carina Remnant Stowmarket, Suffolk

Crystal Therapy, Reiki, Flower Essence Therapy, DoTerra Essential Oils, Indian Head Massage. Wild Lore Essences Energy Sprays - Gift Boxes and Individual crystals. Workshop courses. Based in Stonham Aspal and Woodbridge Suffolk.

Through Connection with nature based Energy Therapies and the elements I offer transformative personal journeys for women to heal and balance emotions when struggling through challenging times.

I support women to gain direction, develop self confidence and strengthen their self belief through connecting to the heart centre to release any negative belief patterns that may be holding them back from having the clarity and confidence to follow their heart and move towards their goals & dreams....

Welcome to Wild Lore Therapies & Wild Lore Essences

My name is Carina Remnant and I am a qualified Reiki Master and teacher, a Crystal Therapist, Indian Head Massage and Flower & Gem Essences Practitioner and essence producer, based near Stowmarket Suffolk. I carry out my treatments at The Natural Health Centre in Woodbridge and at Stone Rose Crystals at Stonham Barns in Stonham Aspal. I use a combination of Reiki, Crystal Therapy , Flower Essences and essential oils in my Crystal Energy Therapy treatment programmes. I produce my own handmade range of Wild Lore Essences Energy Sprays. All of my energy sprays come with beautiful individual crystal pieces and some in Crystal Gift Boxes.

You can view and purchase my Wild Lore Essences, Crystal Gift Boxes & Crystals on my online Etsy shop on https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/WildLoreEssences

I have a strong belief in the value of energy therapies and enjoy working with women who want to learn about working with crystals , flower essences and the guidance we can tap into through natures cycles and who want to take a personal transformative journey to help them navigate the stresses of everyday modern living and strengthen self belief to be their true confident self so that they are able to be the best versions of their selves.

The benefits of energy therapy is cumulative; each treatment builds on the work accomplished in the previous treatment. Through offering a programme of treatments clients often experience faster breakthroughs that are sustained, and deeper healing can occur In between treatment appointments I build time for support in between treatments should you need it as the energies and emotions are integrated and released.

I offer several cost-effective treatment programmes to help to ensure you receive the most benefit from these treatments. You can choose the right length of programme to suit you. I also offer Learning Workshops where you can learn how to work with crystals and flower essences for your own support.

My aim is to help enable women to gain a strong sense of self and well-being and to ease stress. By bringing calm, a clarity of mind, and self confidence. My treatments help to support women through personal challenges and changes in life and to enable them to develop self awareness through personal development and connecting to their inner wisdom. It is my wish to help to empower women to move through life challenges, to believe in their self and to fulfil their dreams through the connection to nature and nature based therapies and to learn how to work with the energy of crystals, flower essences, the elements and natures cycles.

Please use the Contact form to enquire about all treatment cost and further information

Wild Lore Therapies Treatment Programmes & Services

About my Energy Therapy

I have found through experience that offering clients a range of treatment programmes rather than just a single treatment offers greater results and sustained well-being. Having regular treatments maintains feelings of positivity, helps you to stay on track, supports you to do deeper transformative development and keeps your well-being a top priority. The benefits of energy therapy treatments are cumulative; each treatment builds on the work accomplished in the previous treatment and clients often experience faster breakthroughs that are sustained

I offer several different course lengths to help you to receive the most benefit from these treatments. During the treatments you will also gain knowledge about the chakras and the energy system and connect to the energy of crystals, flower essences and essential oils. You can choose the right length of programme to suit you.

Energy therapy courses, Reiki and Flower essences treatments are also able to be carried out distantly online through Zoom.

Your first step is to book in a free consultation call to find out more and see which Therapy treatment Programme is the right one for you.

My Treatment Services

Crystal Energy Therapy Treatments incorporating Crystal Therapy, Reiki, Flower Essence Therapy & Essential Oils

Courses are available in a course of 3, 4 or 6 sessions.

Crystal Energy therapy treatment involves the use of crystal therapy, Reiki, colour, flower essence therapy, essential oils, and the energy of the elements which work synergistically with the energy system, removing any energy blocks and balancing the energy field on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. This can bring you into your own individual natural balance, allowing you space for relaxation to gain clarity and perspective on life issues and discover any blocks that are preventing you to move forward in your life. This course of treatments is a valuable form of self-awareness and development. It is an holistic transformative treatment to support you through stress, change and challenges, and brings connection to your intuition. You will also learn about the chakras and the energy system.

Further Follow Up sessions are then available to support you through changes and challenges.

Treatment sessions also include a flower essence remedy bottle if required.

Each session is for 60 min

Indian Head Massage to Relax & De-Stress

Relax and unwind as you experience an Indian Head Massage with relaxing oils and the balancing energy of reiki and crystals.

Courses of 3 or single treatments of 60min sessions are available

' Reiki & Flower Essences

Reiki Treatments are available in sessions of 3, 4 or 6..

Reiki is an ancient Japanese system of energy realignment rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 1900's. The word Reiki means universal life energy. Reiki works holistically to bring balance to the energy system and natural life force. This can aid relaxation and promote clarity and a sense of peace. Reiki works on the bodies electromagnetic field (aura) and strengthening this field may help to align emotional imbalances.

Flower essences work to support your emotions and help to change any self limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. They help to rebalance emotions into a positive state and can bring shifts in how we view ourselves and surrounding situations. When we are in a negative state our vibration is low and flower essences help to raise our vibration to a higher more positive level. This in turn can help us to feel good about ourselves and supports how we view situations from a more positive outlook, ready and more able to make any changes that are needed.

Sessions are 60mins and include a flower essence remedy bottle if needed which can be taken in between sessions for further support.

Wild Lore Essences Personalised Bespoke Energy Spray Service -

An individual Energy Spray created just for you supporting emotions and strengthening positive self beliefs through life's challenges

Consultations to discuss your needs can be carried out over the telephone or online through Zoom. My energy sprays are handmade with the vibrational energy of crystals, plants, flowers and the elements and charged with reiki. Created specifically for you to support your individual emotional needs and help to maintain a positive outlook. Each Spray made comes with an affirmation, an energy message, a crystal tumble stone and a one card oracle card reading intuitively picked for you

For more details on the different treatment courses and prices please contact me.

I offer free consultation calls by telephone or online to find out which options are best suited to you.

Contact me to book in your call using the form at the bottom of my Website or click on the link below

About Me

Based in Forward Green, Stowmarket I have been working with energy therapies for over 15 years and I love doing this work!

I have been interested in crystals and the energy that they hold from a young age, and I have always loved everything about nature, the natural world and natural healing. I began buying crystals and books on crystals in my teenage years and started to practise sensing their energy and working with them for my own personal development. My interest in natural health was supported by my auntie who introduced me to the natural remedies of Bach flower essences and essential oils which I began to use for myself. I found using the Bach Flower essences valuable and often used them if I became stressed and unconfident. In my early twenties I became interested in learning about Reiki, and I became Reiki attuned which enabled me to sense energy more. A while later I attended a day workshop on working with the energy of crystals and absolutely loved it! I was fascinated and wanted to learn more about the potential of working with crystals and the powerful healing energy that they hold. I found that working with crystals, flower essences and the energy system was my passion alongside connecting to the natural world and the nature kingdom.

I had been through several different jobs in my life but none of them really felt fully satisfying and I did not feel genuinely happy in any of them. I had a constant feeling that I had a purpose and continued searching to find a job that I loved and one that would make me feel completely fulfilled.

Through working with crystals and flower essences I developed the confidence to follow my heart and my interests.

From this point on I broadened my learning to develop my work creating flower and crystal essences and combining these transformative healing tools with reiki. Flower essences are amazing tools to support our emotions and to develop our positive self -beliefs!

I carried on to study reiki further to Master Level and then on to Teacher Level. I have a deep connection and love for nature and awareness of the guidance and healing that it gives.

During my own personal learning journey working with reiki, crystals, and flower essences I learned how to trust and listen to my intuition and became increasingly aware of how our own beliefs and self-talk have a huge impact on our emotions, how we view the world, and react to what is going on around us. I was able to grow in confidence to step out of my comfort zone and fully become aware of who I am as a person. I gained clarity and direction on what I wanted in life and what I wanted to do. I now incorporate all these methods in my treatments and wish to help other women who want to stand confident and strong, find their own niche in life, live as their true authentic self, and feel empowered to follow their passions.

I really enjoy sharing my knowledge on the benefits of working with crystals, flower essences and the elements and how to work with them and if this is something that you wish to do I look forward to working with and supporting you


  • Reiki Master
  • Reiki Master Teacher
  • Crystal Therapy
  • Advanced Crystal Therapy
  • Flower & Gem Essences Practitioner
  • Indian Head Massage Practitioner
  • Certificate in Education
  • BA in Education

How am I Different from other Therapists?

What separates my services from other therapists is that I specialise in giving people the space to connect with their true self through combining the energy tools of the natural world (crystals and flower essences the energy of the elements and guidance from nature) with the gentle supportive healing of reiki.

My passion is to support my clients to break through any blocks of negative emotions and self-limiting beliefs so that they can become their true happy authentic, confident self and follow the calling of their heart. I love teaching and passing on my knowledge and I have two different Treatment & Learning programmes where you will also learn how to work with crystals and use flower essences.

If I feel that my therapies are not suited to your needs, I will always guide you to therapies that will support you.

My healing programmes may not be for you if you are not open to the concept of energy healing, the healing properties of nature or if being spiritually minded is not of interest to you.

Wild Lore Essences Energy Sprays

Wild Lore Energy Sprays are created with the vibrational energy signature of plants, flowers, crystals and the elements and are energised with the vibration of Reiki and the transformative energy of crystal platonic solids. They have been handmade by myself with loving intention to give emotional support and to help to empower you during challenging times. Each energy spray helps in different ways to balance the differing emotions and thought patterns that can arise during times of change, challenge, and stress and support us to move forwards positively in life. They each come with their own unique energy message, crystal and affirmation. To purchase an energy spray visit my Etsy shop WildLoreEssences or Pay through the individual sprays PayPal links, price includes postage. Alternatively contact me to purchase.

I Also Create Individual Energy Sprays Just For You!

If you would like your own individual and personalised energy spray created for your needs please see my Personalised Bespoke Energy Spray Service.

    Inner Peace

'I have inner peace'

Brings peace, a feeling of being centred and grounded in the present moment and not knocked off balance in times of stress and worry.

    Inner Wisdom

'I trust my inner voice'

Personal clarity and connection to the wise voice within. Beneficial during meditation and developing intuition.

    Positivity & Uplift

'I live with joy'

Brings joy and positivity and raises and lifts our energy vibration and outlook.

    Safe & Secure

'I am safe and have no fears'

...when feeling worry, insecurity, fearful. This is energy protective and supports us to feel grounded.

    Heart Voice

'I connect and listen to the voice of my heart'

Supports us when we need to feel compassion, nurture our self-love or when seeking soul-purpose and the need to speak your own truth.


'I believe in me. I shine my light out into the world'

Supportive when not feeling good enough, self-doubt. Supports self-belief, confidence, joy, inner strength and personal power.

    Abundance Essence

'Abundance surrounds me now'

Opens the heart and energy field to see, attract and receive abundance

    I Believe in Me

'I believe in me! I am worthy of fulfilling my dreams and aspirations'

Supports in gaining clarity, direction, self-belief and confidence. This energy spray is included in my I Believe in Me' energy therapy programme and can be purchased as a stand alone energy spray

    Crystal Gift Boxes

A selection of different Gift Boxes are available in supportive themes, containing crystals, affirmations, an energy message and an energy spray. Information sheets on how to work with the contents of the box

Gift Boxes

Carina Remnant-

Wild Lore Therapies

Wild Lore Essences

Get in touch

Contact me to book your free consultation call to talk through which therapy course is the right one for you or to enquire about the Wild lore Essences Energy Sprays or Wild Lore Essences Crystal Gift Boxes that I create.

Alternatively, you can call me on

07580 329902. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services. Find out more by reading my Privacy Policy.

My location

I am based near Stowmarket and Stonham Aspal in Suffolk. You can work with me and book your treatments at The Natural Health Centre in Woodbridge, Suffolk on Fridays and various Saturday dates available and I am also available for treatments at Stone Rose Crystals in Stonham Barns Stonham Aspal in the Stone Rose Crystals Healing Room.

To find out more about the treatments I offer or to enquire about bookings, call me on 07580 329902 and leave me a message or use my secure and confidential online contact form to send me a message. I offer free consultation calls to find out which treatment is best suited to your needs

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